I know how I feel when I eat badly. The food may taste good and make me
Feel good for a few minutes but then I feel heavy and want more. My biggest weakness right now is sugar. When I cut up the muffins Hal brings from the hotel I can smell the sugar. This morning I had a few small pieces. It may just be a few but it's like giving an alcoholic or a drug addict a small fix. I just want more!!! I don't even crave bread or cheese at all which I tend to go for over sweets. But the sugar is LETHAL!! I'm working on will power at this point. I can't lock myself up in my house with good food. I have to trust that I won't break when around bad stuff. As long as I have a healthy option, I think I can do it. I HAVE had Girl Scout cookies in my house for about a week and a half now and haven't touched or smelled one! That's saying something!! Little by little I will know when to have and when not and be okay with telling people "no thanks" instead of "uh, heck yeah!"
Go baby go!!!